Users Agreement Forms



Non-UC use of the below labs is governed by these procedures:

  • Contact the Lab Manager to ensure the equipment/lab is available for your schedule.
  • Contact Calli Price, Procurement Services Manager, at (link sends e-mail)  and copy Rita Makogon, ITST Manager, at to complete the required Agreement, individual waivers, insurance, and lab safety training requirements.
  • Once all documents are approved and training is complete, users will be connected with the appropriate Lab Manager for department/equipment-specific training and Lab access.


Safety Training  to use the lab

Please complete the following 2 safety training courses before arrival:

1. FEL user labs, service, and THz spectroscopy labs Certified Laboratory Hazard Assessment

2. Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety (LS60)


Obtain a door code to use the lab after business hours (Optional)

1.     Please forward the email certification of completion for the above  two courses to:

2.     Please complete the request form:

3.     We will email your access code to you once we receive confirmation emails from both FEL Manager and your PI